Guys, we do not grow as ‘Lone Rangers’! We grow through real life situations with others.
Join in, walk with Jesus, and change your life.
The Men’s Ministry hosts a variety of events, activities, accountability groups, and Bible Studies.
These gatherings are driven by men who are inspired to minister to other men: getting them together, developing relationships, and sharing what is most important in life.

Do you have a great idea for a Men’s Ministry activity or family outing?
Contact Pastor Gib at ggiblin@midlandfree.org.
(P.S. We will ask you to help facilitate!)
Grapple Chapel

1st & 3rd Sundays
3:00 – 4:00 pm
Grapple Chapel is a place for men to gather, study Scriptures, and deepen their understanding of biblical manhood through the martial arts of wrestling and grappling. As our culture continues to denigrate the notion of manhood, we will help men develop a Biblical ethos of meekness–power under control. The goal is to prepare young men to lead with confidence and competence in an increasingly secular world.
- To equip young men with principles of Biblical masculinity
- To encourage and equip fathers and husbands to serve their families in the ministry of their households
- To ground our understanding of our Biblical responsibility as fathers in the multi-generational Kingdom project of the ministry of our family.
- To restore the connection between fathers and sons as it pertains to spiritual leadership in our church.
Through Grapple Chapel, we will gather together for fellowship, uplifting, encouragement, and teaching, and then charge the men of Midland Free to take their leadership out into their communities and personal ministries to continue the Kingdom work God has gifted to them.
Men’s Prayer

You’re invited to attend a weekly Men’s Prayer meeting on Thursdays at 7:00 AM.
We meet at various locations and Pastor Gib sends out an update each week with the meeting location. Please contact Pastor Gib to join the group.
You can also attend the meeting virtually. Ask Pastor Gib for the link.
We pray for the church and for our personal needs and try to end by 7:30 AM. Join us!
Men’s gathering
Men, life is hard but you are not alone. Join with other men to learn about Godly characteristics in the life of a man and how to bring them out for the rest of the world to see. There will be food, good teaching, discussion, and prayer. You’ll also have plenty of time to get to know the men you’re sharing life with at Midland Free.
Leaders: Pastor Gib Giblin, Greg Langley, and Chad O’Dell
- A friend
- An appetite
Teenage sons also welcome!
The breakfast is FREE, but please register on Church Center so we can prepare enough food.
For more information click here!
Men’s Purity Group

Are you being prompted to make a change in your personal purity? Are you discouraged that “trying better” and “praying more” doesn’t seem to be enough? Are you carrying this burden on your own? We would like to walk alongside you in grace and equip you with a new battle plan which includes “offense” AND “defense.”
We will arrange for you to have a 1:1 accountability partner along with participating in our group study.
Contact our confidential email menspurity@midlandfree.org to start your journey.