Pastor Gib engages people, leaders, and ministries to provide leadership to shepherd the church family toward spiritual health, growth, and maturity. He has been serving as the Care & Connections Pastor since 2001. Gib and his wife, Caroline, met in high school and have been married since 1977. They have four adult children and seven grandchildren.
The best part of Gib’s job is: “I love God and His people and being able to minister the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into every aspect of life. I am drawn into intimate moments of people’s lives, help minister the life Jesus offers and connect them with others who can help encourage them and use their gifts and abilities..”
Ephesians is Gib’s favorite book of the Bible. A favorite verse is 4:28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. This verse describes the transformation which comes to a believer in Christ. On his day off he hangs out with Caroline, meets friends, reads, takes a nap, and works on projects around the house. Gib is a nickname. His given name is Norborne A. Giblin, Jr. There are an III and an IV too!
Gib previously served in churches in Grandville, Michigan and Austin, Texas in various pastoral roles. He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1985 with a Th.M. majoring in CE and received a BS in Education from University of Texas, Austin. Caroline has a B.S. in Education from University Houston, Clear Lake and a Masters in Counseling from the Townsend Institute at Concordia, Irvine.