Worship is a lifelong, daily encounter with Jesus because we are His followers and we love Him. This unique relationship transforms us from being lovers of ourselves to being lovers of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

It is an extraordinary experience when we gather together as a vibrant, loving community to weekly worship Jesus.
Our over-arching goal is to ignite a passion for the supremacy of Jesus Christ together as we teach the Bible, sing our songs, pray our prayers and steward our gifts.
We invite you to join us to worship and serve Jesus Christ.
To join the Worship Arts Team, please consider one of the following opportunities below:
Band • Vocals • Technical Arts
Communion Team • Baptismal Team
ER Team • Med Team
BAND & Vocals

The band provides musical leadership to the congregation in the worship service. The players serve on a scheduled rotation basis and rehearse on Thursday nights with the vocalists.
The singers provide vocal leadership to the congregation in the worship service. They serve on a scheduled rotation basis and rehearse on Thursday nights with the band.
There are several areas that make up Technical Arts, and no previous experience is required! We will train you!
You will join a team of “behind the scenes” folks who are essential to the Sunday worship service and live stream. All positions are on a rotating schedule with a Thursday evening rehearsal (depending on your position).

- Camera Team
- Stage Team
- Front of House
- Lights
- Production
- Video Director
- Computer Graphics
The Baptismal Team has the honor of walking side by side with our baptismal candidates the morning of their baptism. They are there to answer any questions, prepare them that morning & most importantly, pray with them before they go on stage. The only commitment is Sunday mornings as they are scheduled & paired up with a candidate.
You can help prepare the elements, juice and bread, for corporate Communion. Preparing the elements of communion for a worshiping congregation can be a rewarding ministry. We have a team of people who prayerfully prepare the elements of bread and juice for the services on the Sundays we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. This team serves about eight-ten times per year. This is not a difficult task but is a vital part of helping prepare this sacrament in the service.
The Emergency Response (ER) Team provides a safe environment for the congregation to engage in worship. The ER Team serves the congregation during all regularly scheduled services (Sunday AM), special services and Wednesday nights (as requested) with monthly training sessions at the church.
Medical Team
The Med Team consists of medical professionals & first responders that can assist with any medical emergency during our worship services. There is no commitment or schedule as the team is used as needed while the team members are on campus for worship.
Please contact Josh Scott, Creative Arts Director
989.631.4411 x 1007 • email