ENGAGE the world
It has been said that we are all mere beggars telling other beggars where to find bread. Likewise, we each have a role in fulfilling the Great Commission. Three things we can do are pray, give, and go.

Pray for People Groups and Partners in the Gospel
We start with prayer. Learn how you can pray individually or in a group for the people groups that we focus on, as well as for the individual missionaries that we support.

Give Your Time, Talents, and Money to God’s Glory
There are many ways you can serve and support Midland Free’s efforts around the world. Some involve money, yet even more are simple, involving primarily giving of your time and talents.

When, Where, and How You Can Engage the World
Learn about opportunities as close as next door, as well as short-term trips, and how to pursue long-term service.

If you are interested in ways you can pray, give, or go, email our goGlobal Leadership Team at goglobal@midlandfree.org for more information.
“Pray passionately, give sacrificially, and go intentionally for the glory of Christ among all peoples.” ~David Platt