When we give our lives to Christ, our hands, our feet, and our wallets are all part of our surrender to his lordship. Giving – in its various forms – is an act of worship.
Likewise, fulfilling the Great Commission involves an obligation to commit our time, talents, and money to God’s glory. You can do this in several ways:
Commit to SUpporting a Missionary
By intentional design, the church’s financial support of missionaries only covers a portion of their expenses. This provides the opportunity for other churches and individuals like you to become partners in the gospel both through financial investment in their ministries and through accompanying prayer support.
If you are considering supporting a missionary, start first with a commitment to pray for them. They will tell you that your prayer on their behalf is even more valuable to them than your money. Get some tips on how to pray.
Then, if possible, become a regular giver at any level rather than only a one-time financial supporter. This helps them with budgeting and brings you into the cycle of giving and receiving that Paul refers to in Philippians 4:15-19. Supporting a missionary financially not only blesses them — it also blesses you.
Learn more about our missionaries, their prayer requests, and how to become a financial supporter:

Child Sponsorships
You and your family have an opportunity to support Midland Free’s efforts among the Shan people by sponsoring a child at Faith Village Children’s Home.
Gifts provide a safe haven for children who are orphaned, abused, abandoned and in danger of being trafficked or forced into rebel armies. Children are educated, fed, clothed and mentored by staff in a Christian environment.
You can sponsor a child at various monthly levels:
- Tier 1 — $300 Provides one month of complete support per child. This includes education, food, clothes, housing, caretaker and medical care.
- Tier 2 — $150 Provides needed items like uniform, books, meals, clothes and hygiene items
- Tier 3 — $50 Provides meals and basic hygiene items.
You can learn more about the children on the Faith Village website.

Support through Serving
Midland Free sponsors individual Timothy Teams for our missionaries. These are groups that pray together, encourage the missionary, and provide practical and logistical support. The concept behind these teams is based on the book Serving as Senders Today by Neal Pirolo.
If you are interested in joining a Timothy Team, contact the GoGlobal Leadership Team. They will connect you with the team leader for the missionary that you are interested in, or discuss which teams have current needs.
Support through Leading
Several teams provide leadership to Midland Free’s efforts to engage the world for the sake of the gospel. If you are interested in learning about member qualifications, team requirements and current opportunities, contact the GoGlobal Leadership Team.
- Sending Our Own Focus Team
- Southeast Asia Focus Team
- Shan Focus Team
- GoGlobal Leadership Team
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” ~ Romans 12:1