Missionary Partners
NOTICE: This page is under construction as we work with our goGlobal Leadership Team to provide updated information about the Missionaries we support. Please bear with us. In the meantime, if you would like to GIVE by financially supporting a missionary, please contact our goGlobal leadership team at goglobal@midlandfree.org. Thank you!
Midland Free partners with missionaries working in harvest fields around the world. Learn more about each, as well as details about their work, current prayer requests, contact information and how you can become an individual supporter of their work.

Prayer for Midland Free Missionaries
The Sending Our Own Focus Team (SOOFT) coordinates prayer for missionary partners that Midland Free has commissioned to engage the world.
Sending Our Own Focus Team
- Meets at 7:30 PM on the fourth Tuesday of every month via an online Zoom meeting.
Due to changing circumstances, please email the SOOFT Team for current meeting format, times and locations.
Harvest fields are those areas around the world that have a Christian witness, yet still need nurturing to fully become cross cultural senders themselves. Missionary partners strengthen national believers and churches through teaching, training, equipping and other support efforts.
Our prayer is that these Harvest Fields are eventually healthy and fully mobilized to send workers of their own to new Sowing Fields.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” ~ Luke 10:2