Midland Free’s approach to the Great Commission recognizes that the Bible teaches about both Sowing Fields and Harvest Fields. This concept helps us be strategic in how we pursue various opportunities as we “go global.”
People Groups are individuals with similar ethnic, language, caste or other cultural distinctives. Midland Free considers the least reached of these as Sowing Fields. Our goal in these fields is to see the gospel spread and to see self-supporting, self-governing and self-propagating churches established. Our prayer is that these peoples would eventually grow and mature so that they become Harvest Fields, sending their own into new fields.
Harvest Fields are those areas around the world that have a Christian witness, yet still need nurturing to fully become cross cultural senders themselves. Missionary partners strengthen national believers and churches through teaching, training, equipping and other support efforts.
Our prayer is that these Harvest Fields are eventually healthy and fully mobilized to send workers of their own to new Sowing Fields.
To see every individual and ministry at Midland Free actively and joyfully engaged in God’s epic global story of redemption: people give radically, pray fervently, and participate experientially so that Sowing Fields become Harvest Fields, and Harvest Fields reach more Sowing Fields until Christ is known, prized and praised by all.
To ENGAGE the body at Midland Free to play an active role in making the Gospel of Jesus Christ known to the nations.
- God’s glory and love proclaimed to all peoples.
- Strategic prioritization of work among least reached peoples while also investing in work among more reached peoples.
- Demonstrating God’s compassion to those suffering in physical and spiritual darkness.
- Collaboration with local and global partners to reach the nations.
If you have questions about Midland Free’s missions strategy or other aspects of our efforts to engage the world, email the GoGlobal Leadership Team.
“You know the saying, ‘Four months between planting and harvest.’ But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike!” ~ John 4:35-36 (NLT)