Csaba, Caitlin, and Edu Rákász

The Rákász Family serves among young adults and college students with Cru in Hungary.


  • For God’s blessing on our relationship building efforts with non-Christian students.
  • For God’s direction for our team as we make plans for outreach in 2022.   
  • For good connections and opportunities to share the Gospel. 
  • For a successful outreach to the high school students in March of 2022. 
  • Continue to pray for ministry opportunities and relationships with our new neighbors and the local church (our “Jerusalem” and “Judea” ministry). Pray for God to lead our efforts to connect with people, build relationships, share the Gospel, and experience a Christ-centered community and Spirit-filled life.
  • Pray for Caitlin leading a national team focused on growing our ability to reach others for the Gospel, for Csaba’s summer ministry project, and for Edu as he attends school.


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