Jesus commands us to “Go.” Even more specifically, he said “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

“Jerusalem” can be understood as here where we live in Midland.
“Judea and Samaria” includes those areas somewhat close to us, yet perhaps culturally different.
Finally, “The ends of the earth” is, well, the ends of the earth!
Below you’ll find ways Midland Free can help you obey the command to “Go.”
Go LocalLY
Midland Free’s GoLocal outreach targets our local and regional efforts, while our GoGlobal program targets sharing the good news of God’s offer of salvation through faith in Christ to the ends of the earth. Learn about opportunities to “Go” locally.
Go Globally, Next Door
Today, your neighbor or co-worker could be someone from the other side of the world, potentially from a different culture, religion or even an unreached people group. The “ends of the earth” has come to our backyard! Intentionally getting to know your neighbors and prayer walking are great places to start.
International Friends
Another opportunity is to become involved with International Friends, a program pairing international students attending Northwood University with local families.

This program is designed to develop mutual friendships, provide an opportunity to learn about each other’s cultures, and experience fun things like holiday celebrations or activities together.
Short-Term Mission Trips

Midland Free offers short-term mission trips for youth and adults. Such trip can impact your perspective of the world and encourage your spiritual growth in a accelerated time frame. Yet the most significant benefits include:
- Short-term trips can help you see how much the world needs Jesus
- Many short-term trips can help you understand poverty as complex and a result of broken relationships rather than a lack of material possessions
- Short-term trips can prepare your heart for future ministry
To be honest, doing short-term mission trips well is hard work. At Midland Free you can expect to participate in a course of practical and cultural training, as well as an emphasis on the development of individual and team humility, flexibility and teachability. Many trips also require reading When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert as a component of the training.
Long-Term Missionary Candidates
Midland Free is committed to “Sending our Own.” Over the years, dozens of our members have gone overseas as partners in the gospel (meet some). If you believe God may be calling you to missionary service, Midland Free has a candidate development process to help you discern your calling and prepare you for service. Contact the GoGlobal Leadership Team to begin a conversation.
Going Deeper
Learn more about Midland Free’s commitment to Sowing Fields and Harvest Fields, as well resources to help you grow in your understanding of the Biblical theology of missions such as the Perspectives in the World Christian Movement course and free videos from RightNow Media. Visit our Going Deeper with missions page.
“We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.” ~John R. Stott