Parakaleo: Families Growing Together

Parakaleo: Families Growing Together

SUNDAYS, 9:00 AM  •  300 WING

Leaders:  Nate and Elizabeth Stelzer

Come back, or try us for the first time, as we study God’s Word together, pray for one another, care for one another’s needs, and do life together (doing our best to stay sane in a pressure-filled season of life)!

We are open to all ages and stages of life, but our primary focus is families, like you, who desire to grow in the Lord personally and as parents.

Parakaleo means to come alongside and strengthen, to instruct and teach.

As a small church, it is our desire to come alongside to encourage, exhort, and comfort one another as we each move one step closer to Jesus in our faith journeys. 

And as we grow in our own relationships with the Lord, we want to get practical about modeling and sharing that faith with our precious children.