operation christmas child
National collection week:
November 13-21, 2022

You can help spread Good News and great joy when you pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child!
National Collection Week is an annual event during the third week of November.
The drop-off dates for 2022 are:
November 13-21, 2022
Please drop off your shoebox gifts in our North Atrium during our Relay Center hours for 2022:
- Sunday, November 13:
9:00 AM – 1:30 PM - Monday, November 14:
4:00 – 6:00 PM - Tuesday, November 15:
1:00 – 3:00 PM - Wednesday, November 16:
4:00 – 6:00 PM - Thursday, November 17:
4:00 – 6:00 PM - Friday, November 18:
1:00 – 3:30 PM - Saturday, November 19:
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM - Sunday, November 20:
9:00 AM – 1:30 PM - Monday, November 21:
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
We’ll have red/green OCC boxes, labels, and brochures available at Midland Free in our center lobby area. You can start packing your boxes now in any standard size shoe box or plastic bin box.
We will also have opportunities to volunteer during the Relay Center hours listed above:
Learn more about how you can make Operation Christmas Child a year-long service project for your family by purchasing gift items on sale throughout the year:
Gift Suggestions

Delight a child in need! Start with a “wow” item that will capture the child’s attention the instant he or she opens the box. Ideas include: Outfit, shoes, soccer ball (deflated) with pump, stuffed animal or doll.
After you’ve included a “wow” item, fill the box with other special items such as school supplies, toys, accessories (socks, sunglasses, hat, etc.), and non-liquid hygiene items such as bar soap, a comb, washcloth, and toothbrush.
You can also include your photo and a personalized note to tell the child you are praying for him or her.
Follow your box

Please remember to include a $10 donation for each box to cover the cost of shipping.
You can donate $10 online to learn the destination of your shoebox gift.
We also have “Follow Your Box” sticker labels on the center lobby table. These labels have simple instructions for how to donate the shipping cost online and learn the destination of your gift(s).
You can also build a shoebox online to follow your box and donate toward shipping.
Pack a Shoebox Online
You can also pack a shoebox ONLINE to bless a child and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a hard to reach area.
Visit our Midland Free goal page to pack a shoebox online through our church.

In partnership with native churches in a local community, each child who receives a shoebox also hears a Gospel presentation and learns more about Jesus through the booklet, The Greatest Gift.
Then, children are also invited to participate in a 12 week discipleship program called The Greatest Journey through their local church.
Your generous gifts help local churches around the world to reach children, families, and entire communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Thank you for packing shoeboxes!