Grapple Chapel
Grapple Chapel 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month3:00-4:00pm Grapple Chapel is a place for men to gather, study Scriptures, and deepen their understanding of biblical manhood through the martial arts of wrestling and grappling. As our culture continues to denigrate the notion of manhood, we will help men develop a Biblical ethos of meekness–power under control. The goal is to prepare young men to lead with confidence and competence in an increasingly secular world. Goals: Through Grapple Chapel, we…
J.A.M. Night
J.A.M. is the middle school youth ministry at Midland Evangelical Free Church. Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM at Midland Free (in the gym and/or 200 wing). Bring a friend too! J.A.M. Schedule ABOUT J.A.M. J.A.M. stands for Jesus and Me. Our youth group meets weekly on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 PM during the school year. Students do not need to attend Midland Free to be a part of our youth group. We have over 20 adult and…
X-treeme Night
Xtreeme is the high school youth ministry at Midland Evangelical Free Church. Join us on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM at Midland Free (in the gym and/or 200 wing). Bring a friend too! Xtreeme schedule About Xtreeme Our Name is… “X” = Christ | “Tree” = The Cross | “Me” = me (Which means Jesus died on a tree for me.) This comes from 1 Peter 2:24. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die…