Sermons on Adultery

Sermons on Adultery

Marriage on Purpose

Dan Seaborn, founder of Winning at Home, shares from Genesis 18 about the marriage of Abraham and Sarah. They lived in a time of fear. They had problems that they didn’t know how to solve. Here are a few foundational principles of TRUTH from Genesis 18 and the life of Abraham and Sarah: God has a good plan He is revealing in your day to day life that is often invisible. Press into God on the good days and the…

The Trap, The Law, The Loopholes, The Truth

How’s your heart? How’s your heart toward singleness, marriage, divorce, remarriage, or adultery? Jesus had a lot to say about these topics. What is God’s intent for these relationships? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from Mark 10:1-12 in his sermon: The Trap, The Law, The Loopholes, and the Truth. Scripture References: Mark 10:1-12 Genesis 1:26-27 Ephesians 5:22-31 2 Corinthians 6:14-16