Sermons from February 2021

Sermons from February 2021

What to Fight and How

One of our goals as Christians is to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). But before we can overcome the sin in our lives, we have to look our own evil straight in the eye and decide to fight against it. When the Holy Spirit opens our hearts to recognize our own sin, we understand we are not great – we are deeply flawed and in desperate need of a Savior. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 3:5-11 in…

Seek Christ, Get Rich!

Will more money solve our problems? What do real riches look like based on God’s message in Colossians 3:1-4? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us how to get rich in Christ. Seek Jesus Get Rich Sermon Series: Colossians – Closer to JesusSermon Title: Seek Christ, Get Rich!Speaker: Pastor Jeremy LobdellScriptures: Colossians 3:1-4Colossians 1:15-20John 19:30

Shadows and Substance

It’s time to take our eyes off of the shadows (the fake) and focus our eyes on Jesus (the real). Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 2:16-23 about the shadows to avoid and the substance to pursue: 1. SHADOWS (v. 18) Mysticism – Watch out for those who downplay Jesus Christ or emphasize external spiritual experiences or angels instead of the person of Jesus Christ. (v. 16) Legalism – We want our focus to be on Christ instead trying…

Marriage on Purpose

Dan Seaborn, founder of Winning at Home, shares from Genesis 18 about the marriage of Abraham and Sarah. They lived in a time of fear. They had problems that they didn’t know how to solve. Here are a few foundational principles of TRUTH from Genesis 18 and the life of Abraham and Sarah: God has a good plan He is revealing in your day to day life that is often invisible. Press into God on the good days and the…