Sermons from August 2021
Use Your Gift (Re-ENGAGE)
In 1 Corinthians 4:1 we are described as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Later in 1 Corinthians 12, we also learn that each member of the body of Christ has an important role, function, and gift given by God so we can serve Him and others. That includes YOU! You have a God-given gift and you are ESSENTIAL to the body of Christ! We are asking you to re-engage and use your spiritual gifts to…
Why Re-Unite?
There’s no doubt that the past year has fractured our culture, fractured relationships, and even fractured our church. People are hurting and it’s HARD. That’s exactly why it’s important to come back together as one loving community of Christ followers here at Midland Free! Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Romans 12: 4-21 about why we want to RE-UNITE as one church family this fall: Formation happens Yes, it’s HARD But, there’s HOPE Romas 12:14-21 14 Bless those who persecute…
End Times: A Manifesto (by Jesus)
What matters most to Jesus? What impresses Him? Listen as Pastor Jeremy preaches from Mark 13:1-13 about three things that impressed Jesus as he taught about the signs at the end of the age with his disciples: Discernment not distractions (v5) Focus on a person not a place (v1) Faith not fear (v11-13) The presence of the Holy Spirit means the defeat of the power of sin. Jesus wins! He came and he will come again! Scriptures: Mark 13:1–13 Mark…
The Basics Here at Midland Free
We’re getting ready to RE-UNITE to RE-ENGAGE so we can REACH OUT to others in Jesus’ name! Listen as Pastor Gib teaches about the four basics for the Church from Acts 2:42-47. We want to incorporate these into our lives as Christ followers here at Midland Free. These four basics also reflect the Mission of Midland Free: Apostles’ Teaching (EMBRACE God’s Word) Fellowship (ENGAGE) Breaking of Bread (ENGAGE) Prayer (ENJOY and Glorify God) Starting on Sunday, September 12, 2021 we…
A Savior Who is Christ, the Lord
When Jesus walked the earth, the cultural and political environment was even more contentious than what we experience today. The people were looking for a Messiah to conquer and crush their political enemies. However, Jesus came to be both our Lord and our Savior in the Kingdom of God. What does it mean to have Jesus as our LORD and King? Are you ready to have Jesus tell you what to do? Are you ready to obey Him in everything?…