Sermons from November 2021

Sermons from November 2021

God Will Make It Right

Do you believe in a competent God? An all-loving, all-knowing, all-powerful God? If He is who He says He is, then His character is an anchor for our soul. We can completely believe and trust Him. Competence leads to Confidence, which leads to Trust. Pastor Jeremy Lobdell Listen as we embrace God’s Word and hear from Pastor Jeremy Lobdell as he teaches from Ecclesiastes 8 in the sermon, “God Will Make It Right.” • Enjoy the Adventure• Be Wise• Trust…

Why Does God Want to Bless Us?

Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you! Listen as we embrace God’s Word during our GoGlobal Missions Sunday and hear from guest preacher Dr. Jim Plueddeman as he teaches from Psalm 67 in the sermon, “Why Does God Want to Bless Us?” Psalm 67 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, 2that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all…

Consider the End

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Weird but true.” There are many things in this life that sound strange, but actually happen. Even the Bible gives accounts of events that were weird but true! Similarly, in the book of Ecclesiastes we read about a series of spiritual truths that sound contradictory, but in God’s wisdom and sovereignty are actually true. Listen as Pastor Jeremy Lobdell expounds on these contrasting spiritual truths in the sermon, “Consider the End” based on Ecclesiastes 7:…