Sermons from August 2022

Sermons from August 2022

The Kingdom is Now

Embrace God’s Word with us as Pastor Chuck Lloyd teaches from Luke 17:20-21 in the message, The Kingdom is Now. We are the physical manifestation of Christ to the world. Our worldview is diametrically opposed to the worldview of unbelievers. We have access to the power of the Holy Spirit for righteous living and ministry. The family of God is our most important family. Worship on earth is a picture of heavenly worship before the throne.

When God Feels Far Away

Do you ever feel as if God is far away? Do you wonder why God allows hard times to come into your life? Does it seem as if God is distant or hidden, especially when you are suffering, in pain, or going through tragic circumstances? You are not the only person in history to ask those questions. God does have answers for you! Embrace God’s Word with us as Greg Langley teaches from Psalm 10 in the message, When God…

Receiving Grace, Giving Grace

How would you answer people who think that they can get to heaven by their good deeds? If people have to work for their salvation by outweighing their bad deeds with good deeds, how can we ever be good enough? In the book of Ephesians, the Holy Spirit writing through Paul makes it clear that salvation is by grace through faith as a gift of God, and there is nothing we can do to earn our way to heaven. As…

Spiritual Insight – Part 2

Embrace God’s Word as Elder Dave Shumaker continues our summer sermon series in the book of Ephesians with the sermon, Spiritual Insight – Part II, based on Ephesians 1:15-23.