The Mind, Emotions and IQ

The Mind, Emotions and IQ

The human being is a complex and holistic creature. Woven inextricably into our fabric is both the material and immaterial aspects of our being. Sometimes, material needs are easier to identify and address.

For example, when my body feels tired, I need to sleep. When my stomach growls, I need food. When something hurts, I need____. But what does my soul need? My heart? My mind? How does that work? Very few of us know.

Yet like our bodies, this immaterial part of us affects every aspect of our lives. Please watch this very important seminar as we explore the unseen side of humanity and seek answers to valuable questions like…

  • How are we wired?
  • How does the immaterial aspect of my being, my “heart,” thoughts and feelings impact, yeah control, the rest of me?
  • How can I influence them for good? What is my role?
  • What does God say? What does the Bible say?