Midland Free partners with the following Christ-centered organizations by raising awareness, coordinating service, praying for and providing financial support.
There are many opportunities to become involved in our local community. Please see the volunteer opportunities below:
- Level 1 requires little training and a minimal time of 1 hour/month
- Level 2 requires some training and potentially 2-5 hours/month
- Level 3 requires training and 5-10+ hours/month
The Bridge
The Mission of the Bridge is to provide opportunities for people to put high-quality, affordable food on their tables by serving them with love, respect, and the help of God.
Level 1
- Store volunteer
- Milk inventory & delivery
- Farmer’s market pick-up
Level 2
- Event planner
- Inventory accuracy coordinator
- Purchasing

Caregiving Network

A Christian non-profit agency that partners with local churches, community organizations, and individuals to provide resources to Midland County residents who are unable to meet their basic needs.
Level 1
- Administrative Assistant
- Receptionist: Answer phones following a script, then a short form so we know how to help
- Clothing Drive: Organizing and volunteering at clothing drive
- Food Ministry: Serve at the food pantry one-two times per week
- Food Pantry: Walk client around pantry & fill their order, Thursdays Daytime (3.5 hours)
- Food Pantry: Walk client around pantry & fill their order, Thursdays Evening (2 hours)
- Housekeeping: Clean once a month
- Lawn Care: Weekly grass cutting, weeding
- After School Program: once a week, background check required.
To learn about the Caregiving Network, please contact them by phone at 989-837-9757.
Reach the Forgotten
(formerly forgotten man ministries)

Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry believes in the redemption, rehabilitation, and restoration of inmates through Jesus Christ.
Level 1
- Pray at the jail
- Correcting inmate bible study materials
- Church advocate
Level 2
- Write letters to inmates
- Fundraising banquet help
- Administration assistance
Level 3
- Bible study leader
- One-on-one visits
- Book cart/library
To learn more about Forgotten Man Ministries, please contace Mike DeRuyter at 989.832.6612 ext. 6631.
Midland’s Open Door

As an extension of the Church, Midland’s Open Door exists to lead the homeless, hungry, and hurting to transformed lives in Christ through the practice of biblical hospitality, the proclamation of the Gospel, and engagement in biblically based programs and services of excellence.
We desire to see every man, women, and child that God brings to our door experience the life-transforming power of the Gospel of Christ, becoming faithful disciples and stewards who enjoy God, utilize their gifts to serve others, and lead godly, interdependent lives.
Join the team of lunch volunteers from Midland Free who serve at Midland’s Open Door each Thursday from 10AM – 2PM.
Level 1
- Food Preparation: Help prepare meals for the week after the Hidden Harvest truck donation on Tuesday and Friday afternoons at the soup kitchen.
- Sanitize Toys: Keep children healthy and safe at the women and children’s center.
- Deep Cleaning: Clean and organize in the soup kitchen, dining room, and basement pantry.
- Serve in the Soup Kitchen (Thursdays)
- Maintenance and Repair: Assist with general maintenance and repair as needed. Opportunities for small, independent projects.
- Clothing Assistance: Help organize clothing donations before clothing assistance days.
- Donate: Drop off food, clothing, personal care products, and cleaning supplies at the soup kitchen for donation.
Level 2
- Front Porch Hospitality: Sign up to be a soup kitchen host and meet guests on the front porch to take their names and greet neighbors with a friendly smile.
Level 3
- Shelter Volunteers: Spend several hours per week assisting Shelter staff in their daily responsibilities, while building relationships with shelter guests. May involve assisting Open Door staff in an administrative capacity as needed, as well helping guests build life skills such as resume building, computer literacy, and budgeting.
- Reception Office Volunteers: Sit at the front desk in the administrative office for a 4-hour shift to answer phones, helps with office tasks, and connect with guests while supporting Open Door’s staff members.
To learn more about Midland’s Open Door, please contact Rene Pettinger by phone at 989-835-2291.
LifeClinic Community Resources

This ministry provides free and confidential care to women who experience planned or unplanned pregnancies. They also offer parenting services to men.
LifeClinic provides the following medical and support services :
- Pregnancy tests
- Ultrasounds (some limitations apply)
- Pregnancy options counseling
- Clothing/resources for mother and baby
- Parenting classes & resources
- Pre-natal classes
- Post-abortion support
- Trihope Trauma Support
- Healthy relationship/lifestyle choices
- STI testing & treatment
- Parenting services for men
Volunteer opportunities at LifeClinic Community Resources!
- Administrative Support: As needed. Copying folding, stuffing/addressing envelopes, project assembling.
- Church Liaison: Once/mo. Serve as liaison between PRC and the church, communicating prayer and other needs.
- Christmas Party: December. Coordinate facility, decorations, meal, craft and photo booth activities for our active clients.
- Food Preparation: Prepare, purchase, and bring snacks to Bible study, Board meeting, or Client Advocate training or Preparing for Childbirth classes.
- Maintenance: Miscellaneous jobs and repairs.
- Prayer Support: Prays with staff or offers special prayer support when notified.
- Receptionist: Answers phones, greets clients, and provides administrative support.
- Event Participation: Support fundraising efforts by hosting a table, joining/forming a team during the Walk for Life, participate in Baby bottle drive within a small group.
- Supply Room: Assistance in stocking and maintaining
Level 2
- Board Member: Individuals with the gift of leadership who are passionate about life and reaching men and women for Christ.
- Computer Assistance: Upkeep/repair of all computers and equipment.
Level 3
- Bible Study Leader: As needed. Prepare and lead Bible study for small groups of women and their infant children.
- Client Advocate: As needed. Work one on one with female clients in a peer counseling environment, offering emotional support and parenting education.
- Fatherhood Support Mentors: Men who are interested in connecting with fathers to provide support and education.
- Healing Grace Volunteer: Women to lead a Bible study in a group setting for women who have experienced an abortion.
- Nurse: RN serving in medical clinic to provide pregnancy tests, crisis counseling and other medical services.
To learn more, please contact them by phone at 989-835-1500. You can also text them at 989-312-3082.
Young Life

YoungLife believes in the power of presence. Kids’ lives are dramatically influenced when caring adults come alongside them, sharing God’s love with them. Because their Young Life leader believes in them, they begin to see that their lives have great worth, meaning and purpose. Young Life starts with adults who are concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship.
The Teen Moms Ministry supports pregnant and parenting teens through mentorship, community and a life with Christ.
Level 1
- Young Life Prayer Team: Monthly meeting.
- Provide a meal for YoungLives Club
- Provide a meal for Leadership Meetings
- Financial Donor: One time donation, monthly donation, camp scholarship.
Level 2
- Young Life Committee Member: Monthly meeting.
- YoungLives Childcare Provider: During club,1/month for 75 min.
Level 3
- Young Life Leaders: For high school students (approx. 5-8 hrs/week).
- Young Life Leaders: For students with special needs.
- Young Life Mentor for Teen Moms: Three Thursday evenings/month plus one-on-one time with mentee each month.
- Wyldlife Leaders: For middle school students
Scroll below to view opportunities to serve with Royal Family Kids, Mike Peterson/InterVarsity, Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP), and Labor of Love.

Level 1
- Write letters of encouragement to campers
- Provide birthday “gifts” for campers
- Pray
- Give financially
- Provide food for camp or club
Level 2
- Activity director at camp
- Childcare for camp
Level 3: Mentor for camp/year round club

Level 1
- Become a prayer partner
- Become a financial supporter
Level 2: Serve on Timothy team
Level 3: Co-lead bible studies with college students

Level 1: Pray
Level 2
- Join committee
- Participate in awareness events
Level 3: Lead awareness events and training

Level 1: Pray
Level 3
- Serve as trained doula to pregnant moms
- Mentor young moms
We partner with residents in North Midland to help transform our community through humble service, loving assistance in self-support, engagement in long-term relationships, and ultimately building disciple-makers.
Would you like to volunteer with one of the ministries above? You can contact the ministry directly or click the button below!