All moms invited!

Wednesday Evenings
Beginning in September
6:00-7:45 pm • Room 113
Mama Bear Club is an opportunity to have some great mom time while being refreshed and re-energized spiritually.
We meet weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:45 pm during the school year for discussion and encouragement. We explore God’s perspective on topics that all Mama Bears face and break into small groups for community building and prayer time.
Children in K-5th grades are welcome to attend SHiNE during our meeting time and childcare will be provided for children ages birth-4 yrs.
Please sign up using the registration button below.
Mama Bear meets for summer playdates. Watch our Facebook Group for up-to-date information on when we will be meeting.
We invite you to join our Mama Bear Facebook Group so we can stay connected throughout the week.
Questions? Contact Kim Langley.