Sermons on Revelation

Sermons on Revelation

Shadowing the Shepherd

Join us as we embrace God’s Word and hear from Elders Troy Griese and Ken Wolf as they teach from 1 Peter 5:1-4 in the sermon, Shadowing the Shepherd. Download Life Group Questions for this sermon. SCRIPTURES: 1 Peter 5:1-4 1 Timothy 3:1 Mark 9:33-37 1 Peter 5:12b 2 Peter 3:1 1 Peter 1:3-9 Revelation 7:15-17 Matthew 2:6/Micah 5:2

Consider the End

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Weird but true.” There are many things in this life that sound strange, but actually happen. Even the Bible gives accounts of events that were weird but true! Similarly, in the book of Ecclesiastes we read about a series of spiritual truths that sound contradictory, but in God’s wisdom and sovereignty are actually true. Listen as Pastor Jeremy Lobdell expounds on these contrasting spiritual truths in the sermon, “Consider the End” based on Ecclesiastes 7:…

Job: Facing Difficulty, Finding Hope

What motivates you to obey God? Are you following Jesus for the rewards and blessings He promises? What happens when suffering, trouble, and pain come along in our lives and it is more difficult to obey God? Christians should follow God not because we get temporal blessings in this life, but because following God is the right thing to do, because God’s greatness demands it, because we love Him, and because His promises will always find their fulfillment in eternity.…