Sermons on False Teachers

Sermons on False Teachers

Proclaiming a Clear and God-Honoring Gospel (REACH OUT)

Why is sin so bad? Why would a loving God get angry about sin? If God is so loving, why does he have to punish sin? If you’ve thought about these questions, or had someone ask you these questions, it’s important to know the Truth! Listen as Elder Dave Shumaker answers these questions as he teaches us from the books of Romans and Exodus. Before we can understand the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we have to…

End Times: A Manifesto (by Jesus)

What matters most to Jesus? What impresses Him? Listen as Pastor Jeremy preaches from Mark 13:1-13 about three things that impressed Jesus as he taught about the signs at the end of the age with his disciples: Discernment not distractions (v5) Focus on a person not a place (v1) Faith not fear (v11-13) The presence of the Holy Spirit means the defeat of the power of sin. Jesus wins! He came and he will come again! Scriptures: Mark 13:1–13 Mark…

Shadows and Substance

It’s time to take our eyes off of the shadows (the fake) and focus our eyes on Jesus (the real). Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 2:16-23 about the shadows to avoid and the substance to pursue: 1. SHADOWS (v. 18) Mysticism – Watch out for those who downplay Jesus Christ or emphasize external spiritual experiences or angels instead of the person of Jesus Christ. (v. 16) Legalism – We want our focus to be on Christ instead trying…

The All-Surpassing Treasure

Are the pains and troubles in this life worth it? Is it possible to “rejoice in our sufferings” like Paul says in the book of Colossians? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 1:24-2:5 in his sermon, “The All-Surpassing Treasure.” • Problem – What problem do we face today? (1 Timothy 4:1-2; Colossians 2:4) • Solution – What is the solution to the dilution of false teachers? (Colossians 1:28) • Application – Get Jesus at all cost – even if…