Sermons on Stewardship

Sermons on Stewardship

Pursue Eternal Gain Through Contentment

What does it mean to be content, especially in a culture obsessed with the accumulation of wealth, money, and possessions? How can we avoid complacency, fatalism, and covetousness and instead live with joyful generosity toward God and others? Listen as Elders Dave Shumaker and Jeff Koehlinger lead us to embrace God’s Word in the sermon, Pursue Eternal Gain Through Contentment based on 1 Timothy 6:6-19. Pursue contentment to avoid spiritual destruction (vs. 6-10) Flee covetousness by actively pursuing Christ (vs.…

Use Your Gift (Re-ENGAGE)

In 1 Corinthians 4:1 we are described as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Later in 1 Corinthians 12, we also learn that each member of the body of Christ has an important role, function, and gift given by God so we can serve Him and others. That includes YOU! You have a God-given gift and you are ESSENTIAL to the body of Christ! We are asking you to re-engage and use your spiritual gifts to…

Living with an Open Hand

We want to live with joyful and bountiful hearts as conduits of God’s generosity to others with our time, resources, and skills instead of living with closed hands and sparing hearts. We want to be contented people who trust God to supply both what is needed today and what is needed in the future. Listen as Elder Jeff Koehlinger us leads us through 2 Corinthians 9:6-11 in his message about how to live with an open hand (and heart) as…

Much More

Our hearts need to trust HIS heart. How much? Much more! Listen as Pastor Jeremy leads us through Matthew 6:19-34 as we explore what our hearts should treasure: Heart DIRECTION Heart DESIRE Heart DISTRACTION SCRIPTURES: Matthew 6:19-34 1 Timothy 6:10 Luke 21:34-36 Download Life Group questions for this sermon. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many…

Stewardship and Contentment

We want to treasure and value God above all else. We want to love Jesus and not money. We want to be content in Christ and not in what we have. As a result, we as Christ followers want to give generously from a thankful heart. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from 1 Timothy 6: Love of Money Contentment A Theology of Giving Real giving, as we see in the New Testament, is self-disciplined, sacrificial, and truly generous. It’s not…