Sermons from September 2021

Sermons from September 2021

How to Enjoy Life

Listen as Pastor Jeremy continues our fall sermon series with the message, Ecclesiastes: How to Enjoy Life based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-15: Accept the limits Trust the Giver Apply your faith Download Life Group Questions for this sermon. Ecclesiastes 8:15 (ESV) And I commend joy, for man has nothing better under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him…

Accept & Enjoy

The book of Ecclesiastes is like a science experiment. In chapter 2 we see the author testing to see if anything in the world or “under the sun” can bring fulfillment. Things like pleasure (v 1), achievement (v 4), possessions (v 7), sex (v 8), self-indulgence (v 10), wisdom (v 12-16) or despair (v 17-20).   Instead of sinking into nihilism or hedonism like the author of Ecclesiastes, where should we seek our ultimate fulfillment? Listen as Pastor Jeremy continues…

Ecclesiastes: An Eternal Perspective

Everywhere we look in our culture, people chase after things that will not last. Vanity. Fame. Social Media Influence. Money. Work. Pleasure. Control. Power. Where do we find meaning and Truth? What is this life all about and what will come in the end? The book of Ecclesiastes points us in that direction through a very intense and diligent search. Listen as Pastor Jeremy begins our new fall sermon series with the message, Ecclesiastes: An Eternal Perspective: Who How What…

Proclaiming a Clear and God-Honoring Gospel (REACH OUT)

Why is sin so bad? Why would a loving God get angry about sin? If God is so loving, why does he have to punish sin? If you’ve thought about these questions, or had someone ask you these questions, it’s important to know the Truth! Listen as Elder Dave Shumaker answers these questions as he teaches us from the books of Romans and Exodus. Before we can understand the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we have to…