Joy Ahead

Joy Ahead

Joy Ahead Sermon Series

1 Peter

Sometimes life is hard. It doesn’t make sense. Who are we, and why are we here? Why should I keep going? What motivation is there?  “Our deepest needs drive us to our deepest beliefs.”

Throughout the book of First Peter, we discover our hope unshakably grounded in the reality of what God has done and will do through Jesus Christ. Jesus’ first and second coming mean that evil has been eclipsed.

As a result, we can not only endure but rejoice. The overwhelming reality of what God has done and will do for us in Christ means that we can take heart that our labor is not in vain, all is well, and the best is yet to come. Christ has overcome. What hope do we have? Peter proclaims Jesus Christ.

Throughout the book of First Peter, we discover our hope unshakably grounded in the reality of what God has done and will do through Jesus Christ. Jesus’ first and second coming mean that evil has been eclipsed.

Come journey with the family of Christ this winter and spring as we strengthen ourselves for action based on the guarantee and hope we have in Christ (1 Peter 1:13).

 ~~ Pastor Jeremy K. Lobdell

Sermon Title: Joy Ahead

Speaker: Pastor Jeremy K. Lobdell

Series: Joy Ahead 

Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1-5:14