Sermons on Culture & Current Events

Sermons on Culture & Current Events

Worship and Witness

Embrace God’s Word with us as Greg Langley teaches from Psalm 96 in the message, Worship and Witness. Psalm 96: A Call to Praise (96:1–3) A Cause to Praise (96:4–6) A Command to the World to Glorify God (96:7–10) All Nature Will Join in Praise (96:11–13) Download Life Group Questions for this sermon.

Ephesians: A Life of Worship

In the book of Ephesians, we’re called to live a life of worship every day – in all circumstances we face in our lives. We don’t worship God because we can get things or earn salvation; we worship God because of what He has done! He chose us and saved us, so our hearts are compelled to love and worship Him because of His mercy. Listen as Elder Dave Shumaker teaches from Ephesians 1:3-6 in the sermon, Ephesians: A Life…

Kindness in All Relationships

Listen as best-selling authors and researchers Shaunti & Jeff Feldhahn, along with Elder Jeff Koehlinger, share from Romans 2:4, Ephesians 2:4-8, and Luke 6:35-36 in a teaching about Kindness in all Relationships as we prepare for a church-wide 30-Day Kindness Challenge during the month of March. A Biblical understanding of kindness What can make kindness difficult Some key, practical steps to unlock the supernatural power of kindness in a way that can transform you and the relationships around you Download…

Keeping a Kingdom Focus in a Whacked Out World

Our culture has changed rapidly over the last 10 years. Words are being redefined, people are confused, families and friends are divided, and anger abounds. If only we had a source of TRUTH that is eternal – a truth for all people at any time…. Praise God, WE DO! We have the unchanging, inerrant, promise-filled, eternal Word of God. Listen as Pastor Chuck begins the new year in a timely sermon from 2 Peter 1:3-4 in the sermon, Keeping a…

Why Re-Unite?

There’s no doubt that the past year has fractured our culture, fractured relationships, and even fractured our church. People are hurting and it’s HARD. That’s exactly why it’s important to come back together as one loving community of Christ followers here at Midland Free! Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Romans 12: 4-21 about why we want to RE-UNITE as one church family this fall: Formation happens Yes, it’s HARD But, there’s HOPE Romas 12:14-21 14 Bless those who persecute…

In, But Not Of the World

In John 17, Jesus prays for His followers – that they would remain IN the world but not be OF the world. How do we know what the right balance is to be IN but not OF the world? Listen as Pastor Chuck teaches from John 17:14-21 in his sermon, “In, But Not of the World.” We are sent into the world – Don’t ISOLATE  We are not to be of the world – Don’t IMITATE  We need God’s help…

In All Things…

Do you always try your best? Whether you’re working, relating to your spouse, training your children, or serving others, do you always give your best effort? If not, why not? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us about the importance of doing your best in marriage, parenting, work, and service from Colossians 3:17-4:1 in the sermon, “In All things…” WHAT: 1. Marriage 2. Parenting 3. Work WHY: 1. The Lord sees. 2. The Lord knows. 3. The Lord will reward. *****…

What to Fight and How

One of our goals as Christians is to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). But before we can overcome the sin in our lives, we have to look our own evil straight in the eye and decide to fight against it. When the Holy Spirit opens our hearts to recognize our own sin, we understand we are not great – we are deeply flawed and in desperate need of a Savior. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 3:5-11 in…

Marriage on Purpose

Dan Seaborn, founder of Winning at Home, shares from Genesis 18 about the marriage of Abraham and Sarah. They lived in a time of fear. They had problems that they didn’t know how to solve. Here are a few foundational principles of TRUTH from Genesis 18 and the life of Abraham and Sarah: God has a good plan He is revealing in your day to day life that is often invisible. Press into God on the good days and the…

Four Ways to Walk Worthy

There’s no question we are living in tumultuous times. Our hope should not be in our government, our culture, or our possessions. God says to fix our eyes on things above (Colossians 3:2). As followers of Jesus our true home is in heaven – we are merely passing through this temporal and chaotic world. How, then, do we live? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches four ways from Colossians 1:1-14 to live in this “in between” time – the time we…

Closer to Jesus

A Global pandemic. Riots. Hurricanes. Hackers. Racial injustice. Social media bullying. When there are storms in life and you want to survive the turbulent winds of change, where should you go? And how do you get there? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us how to be Closer to Jesus from John 15:1-17 and Psalm 1. How do we grow closer to Jesus?• Connect with His Word (the Bible).• Fellowship with His Body (the church).• Follow His Commandments (obey Him). Sermon…

Carry THE Hope

Where does your hope come from? Does your hope come from dependency on Jesus? Listen to the recent sermon from Guest Preacher Dan Holman, a missionary with EFCA Reach Global Crisis Response, who spent over 10 weeks with us over the summer during our church flood relief efforts. Dan teaches us about how to Carry THE Hope from the book of Romans, Psalms, and Isaiah. Sermon Title: Carry THE Hope Speaker: Dan Holman, EFCA Reach Global Scriptures: Romans 15:1-13Psalm 62:5Isaiah…

Stratego: What is God’s?

Like the game of Stratego or Risk, in the Gospel of Mark we see Jesus strategically arranging the pieces on the board. Jesus is completely and absolutely in control of every single detail… including the details in your life. What we need most is not salvation from our political enemies… it’s salvation from ourselves. God’s strategy is to build His kingdom. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from Mark 11:1-11. Sermon Series: Encounter the Incredible 3Sermon Title: Stratego: What is…

The Incredible Beauty of Jesus

“Only when we see the beauty of Jesus for ourselves, will we have the ability and motivation to properly represent His beauty to a lost world.” What type of beauty does Jesus possess? Listen as Pastor Chuck teaches us about four aspects of Jesus’ beauty from Colossians 1:15-20 in his sermon, The Incredible Beauty of Jesus: Jesus is beautiful in his POWER Jesus is beautiful in his POSITION We experience his beauty in his PRESENCE There is beauty in his…

Mr. Can Do, Will Do

Crisis is a catalyst for change. Why? Because issues that we have been able to avoid, or things we’ve tried too hard to control, suddenly get pushed to the surface. In Mark 8:11-21 the disciples also faced a crisis. As Jesus addresses the issue, He points to their hearts and confronts the issue that’s really being raised. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us in his sermon, “Mr. Can Do – Will Do.” What does Jesus bring to the surface for:…

God Man Saves the Day

There’s a lot of talk today about heroes – both real life heroes who have braved the COVID crisis and fictional heroes who fight crime and save the day. With over 50 Marvel and DC movies, how many times can fictional superheroes save the world before the plot lines become a bit anti-climactic? Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a REAL superhero… one who could actually save us from every threat including death itself? We have such a…