Sermons on Grace

Sermons on Grace

Receiving Grace, Giving Grace

How would you answer people who think that they can get to heaven by their good deeds? If people have to work for their salvation by outweighing their bad deeds with good deeds, how can we ever be good enough? In the book of Ephesians, the Holy Spirit writing through Paul makes it clear that salvation is by grace through faith as a gift of God, and there is nothing we can do to earn our way to heaven. As…

Job: Facing Difficulty, Finding Hope

What motivates you to obey God? Are you following Jesus for the rewards and blessings He promises? What happens when suffering, trouble, and pain come along in our lives and it is more difficult to obey God? Christians should follow God not because we get temporal blessings in this life, but because following God is the right thing to do, because God’s greatness demands it, because we love Him, and because His promises will always find their fulfillment in eternity.…

Our Shepherd: Immanuel

What can we learn about our Shepherd as we study Psalm 23? Like sheep that wander, we are on our way to destruction unless someone guides us differently. We need the provision, direction, and protection of our good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Listen as Pastor Jeremy Lobdell teaches from Psalm 23: A Shepherd (Provide, Protect, Direct) A Host (Relax, Refresh, and Renew) PSALM 23 1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me…

A Gift

Good Friday is a gift. We can do nothing to gain God’s favor. Christ did it all for us when He died on the cross. It was a gift given to those who believe. Jesus took our sins and gave us His righteousness. Those who don’t yet believe have to choose to believe, accept this gift, love God with all of your mind, strength and heart, and tell someone who can help you grow spiritually. Believers are to love God…

Grace Propels Grace

Are you only going after things that you want, or are you seeking God for the things He has already promised to give you? Do you know what has God promised to give you? Now is the time to fully believe in His promises. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from Colossians 3:12-17 in his sermon, “Grace Propels Grace.” Grace to Us God Grace to Others Sermon Series: Colossians – Closer to JesusSermon Title: Grace Propels GraceSpeaker: Pastor Jeremy K.…