A Gift

A Gift

Good Friday is a gift. We can do nothing to gain God’s favor. Christ did it all for us when He died on the cross. It was a gift given to those who believe. Jesus took our sins and gave us His righteousness. Those who don’t yet believe have to choose to believe, accept this gift, love God with all of your mind, strength and heart, and tell someone who can help you grow spiritually. Believers are to love God with all of your mind, strength and heart. Be humble and accept the love demonstrated towards us by God.
Rejoice that we are known and loved by God. Trust, follow, and obey Him, and devote ourselves to drawing near to God.
Good Friday – April 2, 2021
SPEAKER: Pastor Gib Giblin
John 3:16
Genesis 3:15
Isaiah 53:4-6, 10-12
Luke 23:32-34, 39-46
John 19:25-27
Mark 15:33-34
John 19:28-30