SERMONS (Page 12)

SERMONS (Page 12)

Welcome to the Midland Free sermons page! Here you’ll find upcoming details about the sermon for this week (if available), as well as links to any Life Group questions (if available).

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Go Global: Engage His World

God calls us all to work. Even Jesus worked to accomplish the will of God the Father. What does Christ’s work mean for us as individuals and what does it mean for those around the globe? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us about the most important work in the history of the world. Scriptures:Acts 1:1-11Ephesians 2Romans 3:23Romans 6:23

Welcome, Plug-In, Reach Out

“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15:7) Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Romans 15:1-7 about our new church mission statement and what it means to Welcome, Plug-in, and Reach Out.

Embrace His Word

Part of our new church vision and mission is to EMBRACE God’s Word. What does that mean, and how will it change our lives? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from the book of 2 Timothy 3:1-17 in his sermon, Embrace His Word.

Enjoy God

How does God draw you to himself? What can you get rid of to be more satisfied in God? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us about how to Enjoy God from Psalm 37 and Psalm 73. Orientation – Disorientation – God is removing the false props in our life. (Psalm 73:25-26) New Orientation – God is the strength of our heart and our portion forever. (Psalm 73:26) Sermon Series: Vision & MissionSermon Title: Enjoy GodScripture: Psalm 37 & 73Speaker: Pastor…

Closer to Jesus

A Global pandemic. Riots. Hurricanes. Hackers. Racial injustice. Social media bullying. When there are storms in life and you want to survive the turbulent winds of change, where should you go? And how do you get there? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us how to be Closer to Jesus from John 15:1-17 and Psalm 1. How do we grow closer to Jesus?• Connect with His Word (the Bible).• Fellowship with His Body (the church).• Follow His Commandments (obey Him). Sermon…

The Church is Family

What is family? What is a church family? The ideal that we aspire to is a Trinitarian image of the home (and the church) where there is equal value, equal essence, and yet different functions among each member. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from 1 Timothy 3:14 and Galatians 6:1-11 in the sermon, The Church is Family. Sermon Series: Vision and MissionSermon Title: The Church is FamilySpeaker: Pastor Jeremy K. LobdellScriptures:1 Timothy 3:14Galatians 6:1-11

Carry THE Hope

Where does your hope come from? Does your hope come from dependency on Jesus? Listen to the recent sermon from Guest Preacher Dan Holman, a missionary with EFCA Reach Global Crisis Response, who spent over 10 weeks with us over the summer during our church flood relief efforts. Dan teaches us about how to Carry THE Hope from the book of Romans, Psalms, and Isaiah. Sermon Title: Carry THE Hope Speaker: Dan Holman, EFCA Reach Global Scriptures: Romans 15:1-13Psalm 62:5Isaiah…

Gospel-Centered Everything

What is the most important thing in the entire world? What does it mean to live Gospel-Centered? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 as we begin a new sermon series. Sermon Title: Gospel-Centered Everything Sermon Series: Vision and Mission Speaker: Pastor Jeremy K. Lobdell Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

What is the Church?

We are a body, not a building. We are a family, not a free for all. We are a kingdom, not consumers. Sermon Title: What is the Church? Sermon Series: Encounter the Incredible 3 Speaker: Pastor Jeremy K. Lobdell Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 5:19; 12:12-27Acts 20:28Hebrews 10:19-25

Lessons From a Fig Tree

How does Jesus control nature, and why is Jesus more concerned with your spiritual hunger than your physical hunger? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from Mark 11 and learn more about lessons from a fig tree. Sermon Series: Encounter the Incredible 3Sermon Title: Lessons from a Fig TreeSpeaker: Pastor Jeremy K. LobdellScripture: Mark 11:12-14, 20-25

Stratego: What is God’s?

Like the game of Stratego or Risk, in the Gospel of Mark we see Jesus strategically arranging the pieces on the board. Jesus is completely and absolutely in control of every single detail… including the details in your life. What we need most is not salvation from our political enemies… it’s salvation from ourselves. God’s strategy is to build His kingdom. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from Mark 11:1-11. Sermon Series: Encounter the Incredible 3Sermon Title: Stratego: What is…

The Right Cup

Are you ever envious or jealous of what others have and feel like you should be able to have the same? Are you measuring yourself compared to the people around you? Your responses demonstrate your heart. Jesus asked, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mark 10:36). Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from the Gospel of Mark and learn about the cup of wrath that Jesus took for you:1) The Cup we want2) The Cup we get3)…

Three Questions

What do you want Jesus to do for you? Do you see Jesus accurately? Sometimes our view of Jesus becomes fuzzy. In Mark 10:46-52, Bartimaeus saw Jesus clearly and had an incredible encounter with him. Listen as Dr. Paul Pettit asks us three important questions about this passage: Are you “sitting beside the road” watching Jesus? (vv. 46-48) What do you want Jesus to do for you? (vv. 49-51a) Are you “on the road” walking with Jesus? (vv. 51b-52) Sermon…

Worth the Risk!

Is following Jesus worth the risk? What are the stakes? What will we gain? We have to decide for ourselves whether faith in Him is worth the risk. Listen as Pastor Chuck teaches us from Mark 10:17-31.

The Trap, The Law, The Loopholes, The Truth

How’s your heart? How’s your heart toward singleness, marriage, divorce, remarriage, or adultery? Jesus had a lot to say about these topics. What is God’s intent for these relationships? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from Mark 10:1-12 in his sermon: The Trap, The Law, The Loopholes, and the Truth. Scripture References: Mark 10:1-12 Genesis 1:26-27 Ephesians 5:22-31 2 Corinthians 6:14-16

Heaven, Hell, and Everything In Between

We throw around the term “Hell” like it is no big deal. But the Bible assures us that it is a big deal. Jesus says that Hell is real. Not only is it real, but it is eternal. It is place of punishment with unquenchable fire. Hell is the worst place that you can possibly imagine. No matter how bad it is in this world, it’s no match for eternal separation from God. The torment and terror and horror of…

Not One Single Drop

What does Jesus want us to do? Why should we do it? Sermon Series: Encounter the Incredible 3 Sermon Title: Not One Single Drop Speaker: Pastor Jeremy K. Lobdell Scripture: Mark 9:33-41