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Eight Days Later – A New Perspective
Many skeptics have questioned the reality of Jesus’ resurrection over the centuries. Listen as Pastor Chuck defends the historical fact of the resurrection by exposing five flawed arguments that skeptics use to attack the truth of Jesus’ resurrection. What are the difficult facts you would have to accept in order to NOT believe in the historicity of the resurrection? You would have to believe that the disciples stole the body out of the tomb. You would have to believe that…
Discover Victory
Everything changes with Jesus calls your name. Do you hear Jesus calling to you today? After Jesus rose from the grave, Mary Magdalene was the first person to encounter the risen Christ but she did not recognize him at first. Everything changed when He called her name! Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from the book of John about Jesus’ victory over sin and death and how He moves us from our old orientation, through disorientation, to a new orientation. •…
A Gift
Good Friday is a gift. We can do nothing to gain God’s favor. Christ did it all for us when He died on the cross. It was a gift given to those who believe. Jesus took our sins and gave us His righteousness. Those who don’t yet believe have to choose to believe, accept this gift, love God with all of your mind, strength and heart, and tell someone who can help you grow spiritually. Believers are to love God…
Walk in Wisdom, Continue in Prayer
Colossians tells us that Jesus is the all-surpassing treasure of infinite worth; He is the creater and redeemer, ruler and maker of all things. If you get Jesus and get nothing else, you still get filthy rich. In Colossians 4:2-6, we are given two commands: Walk in Wisdom and Continue in Prayer. How do we Walk in Wisdom in today’s world? Ask yourself these 4 questions:1. Is it biblical?2. What are the influences in my life?3. Is there balance?4. How…
In All Things…
Do you always try your best? Whether you’re working, relating to your spouse, training your children, or serving others, do you always give your best effort? If not, why not? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us about the importance of doing your best in marriage, parenting, work, and service from Colossians 3:17-4:1 in the sermon, “In All things…” WHAT: 1. Marriage 2. Parenting 3. Work WHY: 1. The Lord sees. 2. The Lord knows. 3. The Lord will reward. *****…
Grace Propels Grace
Are you only going after things that you want, or are you seeking God for the things He has already promised to give you? Do you know what has God promised to give you? Now is the time to fully believe in His promises. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us from Colossians 3:12-17 in his sermon, “Grace Propels Grace.” Grace to Us God Grace to Others Sermon Series: Colossians – Closer to JesusSermon Title: Grace Propels GraceSpeaker: Pastor Jeremy K.…
What to Fight and How
One of our goals as Christians is to overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). But before we can overcome the sin in our lives, we have to look our own evil straight in the eye and decide to fight against it. When the Holy Spirit opens our hearts to recognize our own sin, we understand we are not great – we are deeply flawed and in desperate need of a Savior. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 3:5-11 in…
Seek Christ, Get Rich!
Will more money solve our problems? What do real riches look like based on God’s message in Colossians 3:1-4? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches us how to get rich in Christ. Seek Jesus Get Rich Sermon Series: Colossians – Closer to JesusSermon Title: Seek Christ, Get Rich!Speaker: Pastor Jeremy LobdellScriptures: Colossians 3:1-4Colossians 1:15-20John 19:30
Shadows and Substance
It’s time to take our eyes off of the shadows (the fake) and focus our eyes on Jesus (the real). Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 2:16-23 about the shadows to avoid and the substance to pursue: 1. SHADOWS (v. 18) Mysticism – Watch out for those who downplay Jesus Christ or emphasize external spiritual experiences or angels instead of the person of Jesus Christ. (v. 16) Legalism – We want our focus to be on Christ instead trying…
Marriage on Purpose
Dan Seaborn, founder of Winning at Home, shares from Genesis 18 about the marriage of Abraham and Sarah. They lived in a time of fear. They had problems that they didn’t know how to solve. Here are a few foundational principles of TRUTH from Genesis 18 and the life of Abraham and Sarah: God has a good plan He is revealing in your day to day life that is often invisible. Press into God on the good days and the…
How to Win
What is the Christian path to victory? As we study Colossians 2:6-15, let’s give thanks for these eight amazing things that God did to win the victory for us, save us from sin, and transform us for His Glory: • God made us ALIVE (v 13)• God FORGAVE (v 13)• God CANCELED OUR DEBT (v 14)• God SET ASIDE our debt (v 14)• God NAILED IT (v 14)• God DISARMED (v 15)• God PUT TO SHAME rulers and authorities (v…
The All-Surpassing Treasure
Are the pains and troubles in this life worth it? Is it possible to “rejoice in our sufferings” like Paul says in the book of Colossians? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 1:24-2:5 in his sermon, “The All-Surpassing Treasure.” • Problem – What problem do we face today? (1 Timothy 4:1-2; Colossians 2:4) • Solution – What is the solution to the dilution of false teachers? (Colossians 1:28) • Application – Get Jesus at all cost – even if…
Creator & Redeemer
Why is Jesus the best? He is both our Creator & Redeemer! In these times of chaos, let’s take time to focus on Jesus. Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches from Colossians 1:15-23 about Jesus as both the Creator of everything and the Redeemer of all. Sermon Series: Colossians: Closer to JesusSermon Title: Part 2Speaker: Pastor Jeremy K. LobdellScripture: Colossians 1:15-23
Four Ways to Walk Worthy
There’s no question we are living in tumultuous times. Our hope should not be in our government, our culture, or our possessions. God says to fix our eyes on things above (Colossians 3:2). As followers of Jesus our true home is in heaven – we are merely passing through this temporal and chaotic world. How, then, do we live? Listen as Pastor Jeremy teaches four ways from Colossians 1:1-14 to live in this “in between” time – the time we…
Genuine Worship
In Psalm 95 we see God calling us to joyful and exuberant worship to honor His Greatness. The Lord also calls us to quiet reverence. Regardless of the musical style or volume of our worship, we want to revere and adore Him to the best of our ability. Listen as guest preacher Dave Shumaker teaches about appropriate and genuine worship. He’ll offer us practical applications as we seek to deepen our worship of God in the new year. Speaker: Dave Shumaker…
The Light
If Jesus is the Light and our source of joy, here are a few questions from Pastor Jeremy to focus us as we head toward a New Year: • Where do you typically go to feel better when you are feeling down? • How much time do you spend with Jesus? • Are you excited to talk about Him? • What are you holding back from Him? • Is what you watch edifying and bringing you closer to Jesus? •…
The Task
You’ve probably heard people call Jesus a ”Savior.” Why would we need someone to save us? Do we really need a Savior? Listen as Pastor Jeremy delivers a powerful Christmas Eve message with three questions about Jesus: • What do we need?• What did He do?• So what? “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” ~Matthew 1:21
The Birth
The birth of Jesus Christ demonstrates three important truths from Luke 1:1-14: • Our Savior DESCENDS • Our Savior DEFEATS • Our Savior DELIVERS
The Announcement
What makes Jesus the greatest of all time? The Announcement from the angel Gabriel in Luke 1:26-38 gives us at least three things that make Jesus great: • Jesus is the God-Man; He is fully God and fully man. • Jesus’ lineage is both divine and royal; He calls us into His royal family. • Jesus has limitless power and strength. TITLE: The AnnouncementSERMON SERIES: Because of ChristmasSPEAKER: Pastor Jeremy LobdellSCRIPTURE: Luke 1:26-38
The Year Without a Christmas?
Can anything stop Christmas? Listen as Pastor Chuck explores Advent from the perspectives of the past, present, and future. How did Herod try to stop the Messiah? Will COVID ruin Christmas? Or will Immanuel, God with Us, bring us the best Christmas ever as we pursue and enjoy a renewed focus on Him? Sermon Series: Because of ChristmasSermon Title: The Year Without a Christmas?Speaker: Pastor Chuck LloydScriptures:Matthew 2:1-16Galatians 4:4-5Ephesians 3:17