SERMONS (Page 6)

SERMONS (Page 6)

Welcome to the Midland Free sermons page! Here you’ll find upcoming details about the sermon for this week (if available), as well as links to any Life Group questions (if available).

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Walk in Wisdom

Embrace God’s Word with us as Dave Shumaker, an Elder at Midland Free, preaches from Ephesians 5:15-21 in the message, Walk in Wisdom. Application:

The Joy of Seeking and Receiving Sinners

Embrace God’s Word with us as Greg Langley preaches from Luke 15 in the message, There is Great Joy in Seeking and Receiving Sinners. 1. The Pharisees’ Response to Jesus’ Association with Sinners (vs. 1-2) 2. Man’s Response to the Lost, Compared with Heaven’s (vs. 3-10) 3. The Contrast of the Father and the Brother (vs. 11-32) 4×4 Prayer: 4 prayers, 4 words Ephesians 6:19 … and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my…

God’s Design for Marriage

Embrace God’s Word with us as Jeff Koehlinger (Elder at Midland Free) preaches from Genesis 1 and 2 in the message, God’s Design for Marriage. BIG IDEA: God purposefully designed marriage as a lifetime, one-flesh, covenantal relationship between one man and one woman, which is complete in the husband-wife relationship and should be the priority relationship in a family. THREE PRINCIPLES: • Marriage, between one man and one woman, for life, is a God-designed arrangement (Genesis 1:27-28; 2:18-22; Matthew 19:4-6).…

God Pursues Us

Embrace God’s Word with us as Ken Wolf (Elder at Midland Free) preaches from Mark 5 in the message, God Pursues Us.

Walk in Love, Light and Wisdom

Embrace God’s Word with us as Dave Shumaker (an Elder at Midland Free) preaches from Ephesians 5:1-21 in the message, Walk in Love, Light, and Wisdom. Life Group Questions for Ephesians 5:1-21


Embrace God’s Word with us as Pastor Gib Giblin preaches from Psalm 100 in the message, Providence.

The Lineage of Hope

Merry Christmas! Embrace God’s Word with us as Campbell Bortel preaches from Matthew 1:1-17 in the message, The Lineage of Hope.

The Gifts of Christmas: JOY

Celebrate Advent with us! We have a reason for JOY – Jesus Christ who forgives our sins and fills us with His joy and peace through the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13)! Embrace God’s Word with us as Elder Len Bogan continues our Advent series from Luke 2:8-11 in the message, The Gifts of Christmas: JOY. APPLICATION Where can we find joy: • Prayer • (Bible) Study • Action

The Gifts of Christmas: LOVE

Celebrate Advent with us! We praise God that He demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). Embrace God’s Word with us as Elder Ken Wolf continues our Advent series with teaching from Matthew 22:36-40 in the message, A Loving God.

Peace FROM God, Peace WITH God

We have a reason for PEACE – Jesus Christ who forgives our sins and makes peace with God the Father for us! Embrace God’s Word with us as Elder Dave Shumaker continues our Advent series in the message, Peace FROM God, Peace WITH God. Applications:

The Gifts of Christmas: HOPE

Embrace God’s Word with us as Scott Burr begins our Advent series and teaches from Romans 4:18 in the message, The Gift of Christmas: HOPE.

Commit to Unity

Embrace God’s Word with us as Elder Dave Shumaker teaches from Ephesians 4:1-6 in the message, Commit to Unity.

Your Local Church is a Big Deal

Embrace God’s Word with us as Elder Dave Shumaker teaches from Ephesians 3 in the message, Your Local Church is a Big Deal. The church is bigger than just the physical realm – the church is cosmic in its scope and purpose, and by God’s grace, we get to be a part of it! Ephesians 3 & 1 Peter 1:10-12 Applications: