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Friends Bring Friends to Jesus
Embrace God’s Word with us as Pastor Gib Giblin teaches from the book Luke 5:17-26 in the message, Friends Bring Friends to Jesus. Challenge 1: Jesus’ authority extends to the forgiveness of sins and restoring a relationship with God. Am I believing in my mind and heart that He died for me and come into a relationship with Him? Do I believe/trust He can forgive my worse actions, words and thoughts? Challenge 2 Friends bring Friends to Jesus for the Glory…
My God is So Big, So Strong and …
Embrace God’s Word with us as Pastor Chuck teaches from the book of Esther in the message, My God is So Big, So Strong and…. Applications: Like Esther, step out in faith and do something courageous for God! Look for God’s hand of providence in your everyday life and give Him the glory for how he is working. Find rest and peace in the sovereignty of God. Reread some of the great stories (historical accounts) from the Bible. Remind yourself how…
Worship and Witness
Embrace God’s Word with us as Greg Langley teaches from Psalm 96 in the message, Worship and Witness. Psalm 96: A Call to Praise (96:1–3) A Cause to Praise (96:4–6) A Command to the World to Glorify God (96:7–10) All Nature Will Join in Praise (96:11–13) Download Life Group Questions for this sermon.
Standing in the Gap for Life
Embrace God’s Word with us as Elder Jeff Koehlinger teaches from a variety of scripture passages in the message, Standing in the Gap for Life. Download Life Group Questions for this sermon. Scriptures: Genesis 1:27; 2:7; 9:6; 18:1-2; 25:22-23 Exodus 1:15-21; 20:13; 21:22-25 Judges 13:3-7; 2 Kings 4:16; Job 33:4-6; Psalm 51:6; 103:12; 127:3; Isaiah 42:5 Luke 1:13, 36-40, 43; 2:12; 18:15 Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 5:17; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 John 1:9
Complete Unity
Embrace God’s Word with us as Elder Dave Shumaker teaches from Ephesians 2:11-22 in the message, Complete Unity. Download Life Group Questions for this sermon.
Receiving Grace, Giving Grace – Part 2
Embrace God’s Word with us as Elder Dave Shumaker teaches from Ephesians 2:1-10 in the message, Receiving Grace, Giving Grace.
The Origin of the Universe
Embrace God’s Word with us as Dan Hickman teaches from Genesis 1:1-2 in the message, The Origin of the Universe. We should study God’s revelation (the written creation account in scripture) and general revelation (His creation in nature) to equip us to worship and glorify God.
The Kingdom is Now
Embrace God’s Word with us as Pastor Chuck Lloyd teaches from Luke 17:20-21 in the message, The Kingdom is Now. We are the physical manifestation of Christ to the world. Our worldview is diametrically opposed to the worldview of unbelievers. We have access to the power of the Holy Spirit for righteous living and ministry. The family of God is our most important family. Worship on earth is a picture of heavenly worship before the throne.
When God Feels Far Away
Do you ever feel as if God is far away? Do you wonder why God allows hard times to come into your life? Does it seem as if God is distant or hidden, especially when you are suffering, in pain, or going through tragic circumstances? You are not the only person in history to ask those questions. God does have answers for you! Embrace God’s Word with us as Greg Langley teaches from Psalm 10 in the message, When God…
Receiving Grace, Giving Grace
How would you answer people who think that they can get to heaven by their good deeds? If people have to work for their salvation by outweighing their bad deeds with good deeds, how can we ever be good enough? In the book of Ephesians, the Holy Spirit writing through Paul makes it clear that salvation is by grace through faith as a gift of God, and there is nothing we can do to earn our way to heaven. As…
Spiritual Insight – Part 2
Embrace God’s Word as Elder Dave Shumaker continues our summer sermon series in the book of Ephesians with the sermon, Spiritual Insight – Part II, based on Ephesians 1:15-23.
Spiritual Insight
What does it mean to know God? What is spiritual insight? In the book of Ephesians, the Holy Spirit writing through Paul wants to give us a relational and intimate knowledge of God so we can know Him better. Embrace God’s Word as Elder Dave Shumaker continues teaches from Ephesians 1:15-23 in the message, Spiritual Insight. Three Spiritual Insights from God in Ephesians 1:15-23: Understanding Our Confidence Understanding Jesus’ Joy in Us Understanding God’s Power Towards Us SCRIPTURES: Ephesians 1:15-23…
A Life of Worship
Embrace God’s Word as Elder Dave Shumaker continues our summer sermon series in the book of Ephesians with the sermon, A Life of Worship, based on Ephesians 1:13-14.
More Reasons to Worship
Do you define yourself by your sin, your status, or comparing yourself to others? As Christ followers, we are defined by our identity in Christ and what He says is true about us. Redemption is God purchasing his sons and daughters out of slavery to sin and bringing us back into a state of freedom! Jesus was the price of our redemption, and we are compelled to worship Him! Listen as Elder Dave Shumaker teaches from Ephesians 1:7-12 in the…
Ephesians: A Life of Worship
In the book of Ephesians, we’re called to live a life of worship every day – in all circumstances we face in our lives. We don’t worship God because we can get things or earn salvation; we worship God because of what He has done! He chose us and saved us, so our hearts are compelled to love and worship Him because of His mercy. Listen as Elder Dave Shumaker teaches from Ephesians 1:3-6 in the sermon, Ephesians: A Life…
The “S” Word: Suffering
Embrace God’s Word as Elder Len Bogan teaches from John 9:1-3 in the sermon, The “S” Word: Suffering. Ways God uses suffering:• Judgment• To remove an idol• Discipline (unto holiness)• Teach us to rely on God• Teach us our own sinfulness• Teach us obedience• So we can comfort others• So we can know the heart of God• Opportunity to do good• Testimony John 16:33 “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the…
Loving Your God and Your Neighbor
Jesus talked about the two great commandments in Luke 10: Love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. What does this mean, and how do you do this? You can’t care for everyone, but you can love the person that God puts in front of you. Embrace God’s Word as Pastor Gib Giblin teaches from Luke 10: 25-37 in the sermon, “Loving Your God and Your Neighbor.” Love God with all my…
Care Starts With Me
The church is designed by God to be a group of people who take care of each other. As a member of the body of Christ, the Lord has given you a gift, and He calls each of us to pursue unity and participate in caring for one another. All of us are responsible to drive the church forward. Embrace God’s Word as Elder Dave Shumaker teaches from Ephesians 4:1-16 in the sermon, “Care Starts With Me.” Pursue unity (oneness)…
Job: Man vs. God
God has a purpose for everything that He does. When you go through difficult times, just as Job did, do you fixate on your past (your suffering), or do you gaze into the future to see what purpose God may have for what He is allowing? The greatness and wisdom of God is far beyond us – will you submit yourself to it? Embrace God’s Word with us as Guest Preacher Ryan Koehlinger teaches from Job 38-42 in the sermon,…
Same God
The doctrine of omnipresence means that God is everywhere. God is always at work around you (John 5:17), but sometimes it’s hard to see the LORD working among a hostile world of sin, secularism, pagan gods, and humanistic worldviews. How is God active in the world in which you live at your job, in your neighborhood, and in your family? How do we live in this fallen world, and recognize that the Lord has worked and continues to work in…