

Apr 28, 2024

Women’s Sunday Morning Bible Study

Women’s Sunday Morning Bible Study Do you have trouble thinking of words to say to God when you pray? Are you afraid some emotions are too intense to express to God? Do you reach the end of a day only to realize you haven’t prayed at all? You’re not alone. Prayer is the way we relate to God, but sometimes it’s a struggle. Throughout God’s Word, we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray.Join six beloved Bible study…
May 1, 2024

Grief Share

What is Grief Share? GriefShare is a 13-week, Christ-centered, biblically based support group seminar. GriefShare is for people who have lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend through death. A grieving person can join at any time during the 13 weeks.  Each session shows a video presentation followed by small group discussion about the video. The GriefShare videos present experts, ministers, and Christian counselors discussing grief and recovery subjects helpful to people in grief. Real people share their stories…
May 5, 2024

Baptism Class

Would you like to be baptized as a follower of Jesus Christ? We invite you to attend an upcoming baptism class. In this class you will learn the Biblical reasons for baptism as well as the baptism process followed at our church. The baptism process includes these steps: All classes will be held in Room 303 in the Wing Adult Classrooms from 9:00-10:00 AM. Questions? Contact Pastor Gib Giblin | 989.631.4411 or email.
May 5, 2024

Grapple Chapel

Grapple Chapel 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month3:00-4:00pm Grapple Chapel is a place for men to gather, study Scriptures, and deepen their understanding of biblical manhood through the martial arts of wrestling and grappling. As our culture continues to denigrate the notion of manhood, we will help men develop a Biblical ethos of meekness–power under control. The goal is to prepare young men to lead with confidence and competence in an increasingly secular world. Goals: Through Grapple Chapel, we…