Membership Seminar
MEMBERSHIP seminar Sunday, April 6, 2025 | 12:00 – 2:00 pm We invite you to become a member of Midland Evangelical Free Church! Membership in our church signifies your willingness to commit to our specific body of believers in this community. Membership also indicates your dedication to support the church body at Midland Free through the intentional investment of your time, acts of service, encouragement, prayers, and financial gifts. Membership Seminars play a critical role in the process of becoming…
Men’s Gathering
MEN’S Gathering Men’s GatheringSaturday, March 15, 2025 | 9:00 AM Men, life is hard but you are not alone. Join with other men to learn about Godly characteristics in the life of a man and how to bring them out for the rest of the world to see. There will be food, good teaching, discussion, and prayer. You’ll also have plenty of time to get to know the men you’re sharing life with at Midland Free. Meet at 9:00 AM…
Lunch with the Leaders
Are you new to Midland Free? Have you been attending for a while? Do you have a question you want to ask our Ministry Leaders? We invite you to join the Leaders of Midland Free for lunch in room 309 immediately following the worship service on Sunday, April 27th. This is a great time to ask questions and meet new friends at our church. Enjoy this unique time of fellowship and delicious food as you get to know the pastors…
E.P.I.C.S.Experienced Persons In Christ’s Service 50s+ Fellowship Gathering 5:00-8:00 PM • Room 307/309 Join other followers of Christ who are near, at, or past retirement age as we fellowship, share a meal each month, and enjoy time to worship, play games, pray, and encourage each other. We will also have a variety of activities and the occasional movie. Invite a friend and join us! Hosts:Ron & Rhonda Lytle Menu:Bring a salad or dessert to pass. Time & Location: Join us…