J.A.M. is the middle school youth ministry at Midland Evangelical Free Church. Join us on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM at Midland Free (in the gym and/or 200 wing). Bring a friend too!
J.A.M. Schedule
- March 19 – Missions Movie Night
- March 26 – Famous 3:16’s
- April 2 – JAM does not meet (MPS Spring Break)
- April 9 – Important Lessons Countdown #5
J.A.M. stands for Jesus and Me. Our youth group meets weekly on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 PM during the school year.
Students do not need to attend Midland Free to be a part of our youth group. We have over 20 adult and high school student leaders who are committed to building relationships with students in our youth group.
We offer tons of fun activities, including gym games, crafts, board games, video games, foosball, air hockey, pool, and ping pong. Each evening ends with a Bible-based lesson that is relevant and meaningful to middle school students.
Jody Best
Youth Discipleship and
Activities Coordinator
989.631.4411 x 1001