Grapple Chapel

1st & 3rd Sundays of the month
Grapple Chapel is a place for men to gather, study Scriptures, and deepen their understanding of biblical manhood through the martial arts of wrestling and grappling. As our culture continues to denigrate the notion of manhood, we will help men develop a Biblical ethos of meekness–power under control. The goal is to prepare young men to lead with confidence and competence in an increasingly secular world.
- To equip young men with principles of Biblical masculinity
- To encourage and equip fathers and husbands to serve their families in the ministry of their households
- To ground our understanding of our Biblical responsibility as fathers in the multi-generational Kingdom project of the ministry of our family.
- To restore the connection between fathers and sons as it pertains to spiritual leadership in our church.
Through Grapple Chapel, we will gather together for fellowship, uplifting, encouragement, and teaching, and then charge the men of Midland Free to take their leadership out into their communities and personal ministries to continue the Kingdom work God has gifted to them.
Andrew Shumaker &
Stephen Richard